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The Justin Goodbread Show

The Financially Simple podcast is your one-stop resource for small business owners. Gain unique insights into growing, refining, and selling businesses. You will hear ways business owners have reduced their tax liabilities, increased their income, improved office morale, saved for the retirement of their dreams, and more.
Host Justin Goodbread is a serial entrepreneur, CFP® (Certified Financial Planning professional), CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor), and CVGA (Certified Value Growth Advisor) with years of experience guiding business owners from start to exit in their business.

Aug 30, 2021

In episode 374 of Financially Simple, Justin continues his examination of making a business ready for selling or your exit from running it.

Knowing the state of affairs within your own business is one of the key fundamentals to having it ready to sell, or to continue running like clockwork in your absence. In this...

Aug 23, 2021

In episode 373 of Financially Simple, Justin starts to look at the Exit Planning of your business strategy.

Whether you are looking to sell your business soon, or in twenty years time, it’s important to know the state of readiness of the business so that everything is in order and not a scramble to impress buyers. In...

Aug 16, 2021

In episode 372 of Financially Simple, Justin continues to look at working with a Business Advisor and goes over the questions posed to determine a business’s attractiveness.

Any business owner that has started from the ground up and made their business their own might be unable to take a step back and see the business...

Aug 9, 2021

In episode 371 of Financially Simple, Justin begins a series of episodes that take a look behind the curtain of working with a Business Advisor.

If you own a small business and haven’t yet hired an advisor to assist you in achieving the goals that you have for the business and for yourself, perhaps you’re undecided,...

Aug 2, 2021

In episode 370 of Financially Simple, Justin tackles the issue of Imposter Syndrome.

Despite the success and accomplishments of your business, you may fee like you’re a fraud or undeserving of the achievements you have made. In this episode, Justin looks at the phenomenon of Imposter Syndrome - what it is, how it can...