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The Justin Goodbread Show

The Financially Simple podcast is your one-stop resource for small business owners. Gain unique insights into growing, refining, and selling businesses. You will hear ways business owners have reduced their tax liabilities, increased their income, improved office morale, saved for the retirement of their dreams, and more.
Host Justin Goodbread is a serial entrepreneur, CFP® (Certified Financial Planning professional), CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor), and CVGA (Certified Value Growth Advisor) with years of experience guiding business owners from start to exit in their business.

Aug 30, 2018

In episode 86 of Financially Simple, Justin talks Leadership.

What makes for a good small business leader; someone that will direct the company and its team where the business is meant to go? Justin looks at the qualities of a leader within the context of a small business, as well as comparing top-down...

Aug 27, 2018

In episode 85 of Financially Simple, Justin wraps up this series on Business Planning.

A solid business plan that is well executed will increase the intrinsic value of your company. Justin wraps up this series on planning, taking a last look at the process and the 1:4:12:52 model of structuring a business plan.


Aug 23, 2018

In episode 84 of Financially Simple, Justin goes through the motions of the Business Planning Cycle.

Thought your business plan was a one-off? Think again! Business plans are constant throughout the operations of a business. Justin goes over the Business Planning Cycle, considering each turn of the wheel and how it...

Aug 20, 2018

In episode 83 of Financially Simple, Justin talks Tactics and Actions.

Setting out your business strategy objectives follows the rule of three - focus on three objectives. Each objective has three tactics to achieve it, and each tactic has three actions to enact the tactic. Justin goes over this strategy, explaining...

Aug 16, 2018

In episode 82 of Financially Simple, Justin goes over the core strategies of Strategic Planning.

There are three considerations of strategic planning - engagement, positioning, and growth. Justin examines each of these strategic aspects and the factors of each one.

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