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The Justin Goodbread Show

The Financially Simple podcast is your one-stop resource for small business owners. Gain unique insights into growing, refining, and selling businesses. You will hear ways business owners have reduced their tax liabilities, increased their income, improved office morale, saved for the retirement of their dreams, and more.
Host Justin Goodbread is a serial entrepreneur, CFP® (Certified Financial Planning professional), CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor), and CVGA (Certified Value Growth Advisor) with years of experience guiding business owners from start to exit in their business.

Jan 30, 2018

In episode 14 of Financially Simple, Justin considers how to build confidence and motivate your team to improve the growth and value of Your Business.

A rising tide lifts all ships. As your Business grows, succeeds, and makes you more money, be sure to share that success with the people that helped to achieve it. Justin...

Jan 29, 2018

In episode 13 of Financially Simple, Justin takes a look at the ins and outs of Risk Assessment.

In business there are risks - the key to a successful business is knowing the specific risks to that industry and how to counter or absorb them. Justin talks about what risk is, the legal side of it, how to identify it, and...

Jan 26, 2018

In episode 12 of Financially Simple, Justin talks about having the systems in place to track a small business's performance and success.

There are two main factors that are looked at when it comes to selling a Business - the Financials, and Performance. Justin looks at these factors, breaks them down to...

Jan 25, 2018

In episode 11 of Financially Simple, Justin talks about the different types of business entities and why they matter.

In Business, the type of business structure you own matters, whether it be a corporation or Sole Proprietorship. Knowing which type of entity fits your business will help with the management and legal...

Jan 24, 2018

In Episode Ten Justin shares the love... we’re talking about appreciating your employees... the people that support you. You need to have sound values and good business culture.

Love People and Use Things - put simply, happy employees work better. And employees that work better help your business grow. Justin gives...