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The Justin Goodbread Show

The Financially Simple podcast is your one-stop resource for small business owners. Gain unique insights into growing, refining, and selling businesses. You will hear ways business owners have reduced their tax liabilities, increased their income, improved office morale, saved for the retirement of their dreams, and more.
Host Justin Goodbread is a serial entrepreneur, CFP® (Certified Financial Planning professional), CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor), and CVGA (Certified Value Growth Advisor) with years of experience guiding business owners from start to exit in their business.

May 28, 2020

In episode 267 of Financially Simple, Justin is rejoined by Brandon Jordan to discuss the key players of a Success Team... the advisory people, often outside your business, that support you in vital areas. 

If there’s an analogy to life, the world, and everything including business, it’s baseball! Justin and Brandon...

May 25, 2020

In episode 266 of Financially Simple, Justin discusses recent movements in the stock market in response to developments during the COVID-19 pandemic with Chris Steward.

The recent recovery in the stock markets has some curious as to the cause of the improvements, considering many businesses are still compromised by the...

May 21, 2020

In episode 265 of Financially Simple, Justin speaks to financial podcaster David Stein about money, national debt, and more.

The Coronavirus is causing governments, globally, to take measures to protect citizens and business interests. Justin and David discuss what money is, what National Debt is and how it affects...

May 18, 2020

In episode 264 of Financially Simple, Justin is joined by David Kent to go over using a SWOT Analysis to assess your business.

As the pandemic fades away small business owners are making time to re-evaluate their business plans and strategies. Justin and David discuss how to conduct a SWOT Analysis and use the results...

May 14, 2020

In episode 263 of Financially Simple, Justin teams up with Jeff Jeter to talk about the differences between Non-Qualified accounts, IRAs, and ROTHs.

Investing your savings can be confusing with the number of different options available - which should you consider? Justin and Jeff look at each account type, evaluate...