Jan 31, 2022
In episode 396 of Financially Simple, Justin begins to examine the flip side of the coin - what do prospective buyers see when they look at your business as they consider its worth.
As the owner of a business, you know your company the ins and outs, the team and processes that you have in place - but have you considered...
Jan 24, 2022
In episode 395 of Financially Simple, Justin explains how you can analyze your business’s performance year-on-year using five simple Key Ratios.
A Key Ratio uses your business’s financial data and compares the information to another data set to help determine the state of the company’s finances and more. In this...
Jan 17, 2022
In episode 394 of Financially Simple, Justin takes a moment to go over what you as a business owner can do to try to prepare for the next financial crisis.
National and global catastrophes that happen unexpectedly, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic or even the 2008 financial crisis can make or break a business. In...
Jan 10, 2022
In episode 393 of Financially Simple, Justin talks to author Les McKeown about Predictable Success. Can the success of a business be predicted with any certainty, and if so what are the indicators or paths that can be followed to measure the progress of the business? In this episode, Justin and Les discuss Les’s book...
Jan 3, 2022
In episode 392 of Financially Simple, Justin looks at the five levels of leadership according to authors Jim Collins and John C. Maxwell.
Do you lead your team from the front or behind? Are you highly capable or an executive? Do you need to level up your leadership to get more from your employees and improve...